[Note: JCW was set up in April 2012 and cases below referred to before April 2012 will be in relation to cases where the respective partners of JCW was involved in whilst attached to other firms. Kindly note that the cases and synopsis set out below are subject to further legal advice from appropriate parties and/or research by parties referring to the same and/or intending to rely on the same]

Recent reported cases by the Partners and Lawyers of JCW :

Albilt Resources Sdn Bhd v Casaria Construction Sdn Bhd (Court of Appeal) [2010] 3 MLJ 656

Justin was the counsel for Albilt Resources and assisted by Alvin. This is an appeal in relation to an application for stay of the proceedings and to refer the dispute to arbitration. The Court of Appeal held that all PAM contracts have an Arbitration clause and where the main letter of award referring to a PAM contract was adopted in the impugned letter of award, the Arbitration clause in the PAM contract is similarly adopted.