Lai King Lung lwn Perbadanan Pengurusan Anjung Hijau (PPAH) & Satu Lagi [2021] 5 CLJ 554

[Amendment of an Order to reduce the sum awarded] Justin was counsel for the Plaintiff. The 1st Defendant applied vide notice of application dated 14/11/2018 for leave to amongst others amend the Court Order dated 25/11/2011 to reduce the sum awarded from RM645.566 to RM75,566. The High Court allowed the 1st Defendant’s application although the Plaintiff raised that an amendment application is not proper and it is in reality an attempt to set aside the Court Order which was already raised in a previous separate Suit 318 and the matter was res judicata. The Court held amongst others that it had the inherent powers to do so. [Note : The Court of Appeal in Civil Appeal No. W-03(IM)(NVCV)-50-08/2020 has overturned the High Court decision on 17/12/2021]