Yap Khay Cheong Sdn Bhd v. Susan George TM George [2019] 1 MLJ 410, [2018] 5 CLJ 345; [2018] 5 AMR 79 (Court of Appeal)

[Sale and Purchase Agreement – Vendor exercised right to vitiate an agreement entered without free consent and undue influence – Vendor liable to refund monies received under a voidable contract] Justin and Chooi Peng were the counsel for the Appellant. This is a case involving an appeal against the High Court decision in dismissing the Appellant’s claim for specific performance of a sale and purchase agreement and an alternative claim for the return of monies paid pursuant to the said agreement. The Court of Appeal allowed the Appellant’s alternative claim. In this appeal, the Court of Appeal allows part of the appeal and one of the issue was whether the Respondent can absolve her responsibility by blaming a third party where the third party was given blanket authority in respect of the bank account.